World Sustainable Development Summit (WSDS) 2018
Three members from Chemistry Department – Dr. Megha Mittal, Associate Professor & Head, Dr. Vinayak Pathak, Assistant Professor and Dr. Prem Kishor, Assistant Professor attended WSDS recently under the broad rubric of ‘Partnerships for a Resilient Planet’. The Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, Sri Narendra Modi inaugurated the WSDS. This is the flagship event of TERI which was conceptualized as a single platform to accelerate action towards sustainable development, especially climate change.
WSDS 2018 comprised heads of states and government, senior government officials, Nobel Prize winners, CEOs of major global corporations as well as leading thinkers and academicians of distinction. It aimed to mobilize leadership from every corner of the globe, and from every sector of human activity to focus on deeper challenges and draw
consensus for an equitable development paradigm.