Webinar on Open-Foam Visual-CFD
A webinar on Open-Foam Visual-CFD was delivered by the technical team of ESI, Bengaluru, for faculty members and students of Aeronautical, Mechanical and Automobile Engineering branch. ESI Group deals in Virtual Prototyping software and services. Mr. CP Venkateshwaran, CEO of Parkati Tech headed the webinar.
The presentation introduced the Open-Foam Visual-CFD with an advanced User Interface for Open-FOAM which mainly serves as an alternative to commercial tools due to their cost effectiveness.
During the webinar, following functionalities of the Visual Foam were deliberated at length- Multi-Domain/Region Meshing and Heat Exchanger Modeling; Imports most common CAD formats (e.g. CATIA, SolidWorks, UG, IGES, STEP); Fast and efficient handling of snappyHexMesh to generate complex meshes; Improved controls to get better mesh on close proximity; User defined BCs, Profile, Simulation Controls and Solvers; Temperature dependent Material properties supported; and Macro recording, based on Python scripting and personalized templates, allowing reuse and customization for future use.
In the overall perspective, the webinar provided a useful opportunity to all the aeronautical faculty members and students to get acquainted with the various functionalities of the user interface of Computational Fluid Dynamics and the research projects which could be undertaken by the faculty and students in the exciting field of Computational Fluid Dynamics. The students of 7th semester studying the theory and lab course on CFD using the Ansys software were specifically benefitted.