Industrial Visit to Cisco Training labs, Network Bulls
40 students of 6th semester (ECE-12 and CSE-28) along with 2 faculty members of Dept of ECE (Dr. Rashima Mahajan) and CSE (Dr. N.N. Das), FET, MRIIRS visited the Cisco Labs on April 16, 2019.
The industrial visit started with a presentation session by Mr. Amit (CCIE Certified trainer), briefing the students about the latest networking trends and its growing scope worldwide.
It included discussion on scope of networking; virtual private network by giving daily life example and functioning of routers, switches, hubs, firewalls, proxies etc.
It was followed by demonstration of networking concepts on Cisco Packet Tracer which included configuration of a router, how to enable a router and configure a terminal, how to assign a gateway to router, networking of nodes using IP address, MAC address, management of addresses through DNS/DHC.