GENESIS – A New Beginning
A robust induction program to welcome new joinees into the Manav Rachna family was organised by the Central HR team today. The programme ‘GENESIS- A New Beginning’ commenced with distribution of MR Souvenir and an ice-breaking session.
Dr. N.C. Wadhwa, VC, Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies said that Manav Rachna as an institution is growing and you have to grow with it. He also emphasized on the importance of research. On the other hand, Dr. Sanjay Srivastava, VC, MRU motivated the employees to keep evolving with the education system.
Dr Sangita Banga, Dean Academics, Manav Rachna University gave a detailed description on Life Skills Program at Manav Rachna.
Ms Richa Sharma, Aptitude Trainer, CRCMC talked at length about the Corporate Relations and Career Management Centre (CRCMC) of Manav Rachna and the functions of the department.
Mr Sarkar Talwar, Director Sports emphasized on the importance sports play in an individual’s life. He stated the fact that sports in Manav Rachna is not only aimed for an overall growth and development but also to evolve as “Super Humans” with all the abilities to conquer what may come in the way.
They were also introduced to ERP. Dr. Naresh Sharma, Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, Manav Rachna Dental College introduced the clinic at MRDC developed for children with special needs.
The induction programme was highly successful in generating a spirit of bonhomie.