Azaadi 70: Triathlon – 11th August 2016
MREI is celebrating “AZAADI 70”, an event series to celebrate the 70th Independence Day of India from 9th August 2016 to 23rd August 2016. As a part of this celebration, many events are being conducted in the campus and one of them was Triathlon, where participants showcased their dance, music and theatre skills in a series for exactly 3 minutes giving 1 minute to every field. This event was held in A-Block Auditorium on 11th August 2016 from 12:00 noon to 2:00 pm, anchored by Sonal Prasad (5th sem B. Tech CSE, FET)and Yashu Meel (3rd sem B. Tech ECE, FET). Anchors were really good at boosting the morale of the participants and entertained everybody present in the auditorium with their wit.
12 participants from different faculties / institutions of Manav Rachna participated in the event. The event was judged by RJ Faheem, RMR; Ms Shailja Naqvi, Dy. Director, RMR and Dr. Smarika Bhargava, Asstt. Professor, MRCEd.
Himani Saraswat (3rd sem B. Ed. MRCEd) was declared the winner of the event followed by Chidambra Makker (Intern BDS, MRDC) and Sankalp Gautam (1st sem B. Tech FET). Participants amazed the present audience with their talent.
The event ended with a vote of thanks by Prof I.K.Killam who was present all through the event and encouraged the participants to come up and groom their overall personality. He expressed his happiness in creating a patriotic fervor in the Manav Rachna campus through these events.