Specializations To Study MDS
The field of dentistry is not just limited to teeth but it comprises other aspects of the oral cavity including gums, bone, and other supporting structures. A post-graduate degree program in dental surgery provides training in different disciplines of dentistry that helps in the development of advanced clinical and research skills. There are numerous post-graduate degrees in dentistry that can be pursued according to the specialization of interest. These specializations can be done in Post-graduation: a three-year program MDS.
Top specialization in MDS
Community Dentistry: This branch focuses on the ways of controlling diseases in the oral cavity and spreading awareness amongst the public for their welfare.
Operative Dentistry and Endodontics: This branch deals with various infections of the teeth (specifically pulp) and their cure by RCT. It also includes smile designing with veneers and laminates.
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: This branch focuses on exodontia and treatment of various pathologies of oral cavity and structures related to it by surgical intervention.
Oral Medicine and radiology: This branch focuses on the diagnosis of diseases of oral cavity via clinical and radiological techniques.
Oral Pathology: This branch focuses on the pathologies of oral cavity.
Orthodontics: This branch focuses on the correction of maloccluded teeth
Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry: This branch specifically focuses on the treatment of children below the age of 14 years.
Periodontics: As the name suggests, this branch focuses on the treatment of diseases or infections related to periodontium (gums, bone, PDL).
Prosthodontics: This branch focuses on restoring the missing teeth by fixed or removable prosthesis.